They And The Children - s/t - 7

Labels: Debue
Review by: Alex Deller

They And The Children blasted into life a couple of years back with a rather spiffy demo and I’ve been quietly anticipating a “œproper” release ever since. This bastard seems to have taken an aeon to surface and has been relatively tricky to track down, so I’m more than happy to report that the wait was actually worth it.

Laying low while the fuzz are in town drizzles into being with some wandering ambience before fully unleashing the pure rock fury, laying in with seismic guitar parts and ferocious yells that really get the blood pumping. The wanton destruction is carved up with airy City of Caterpillar-style chill-out sections before the band comes back for the kill with a mid-paced crunchathon that well and truly puts this brute of a song in the ground. Side two’s route one never shined brighter is, essentially, more of the same but manages to be even better, mashing your skull to pulp with an assortment of musclebound riffs whilst still forcing your poor battered brain compute thanks to their frequent changes of direction.

As vinyl debuts go, this is a pretty cracking start, putting TATC on the map with a bang and potentially setting them up as contenders to the throne now that the likes of Takaru and This Ship WIll Sink have called it quits.