Labels: Speedowax
Review by: Damien Mills
Awesome split of great melodic hardcore from down south on this one. Aces.
First up is The Permanent who have a sort of RAWK influenced Suicide File-y thing going on but still with a nice defined English slant and great lyrics. Best of all, there is not a trace of the generic youth crew-isms currently infecting the scene, (well done yc influenced stuff is fine, hopeful music, but too many bands are just shit at it)must hurt singing like that though…
Abandon Ship is much more straight forward old school-ish hardcore with plenty of bollocks, perhaps a little less distinctive than The Permanent but still effing sweet.
One of the best UK splits like this for ages. I have to say the Permanent just take it for me but its a tough one, I hope both get round to releasing a lot more as soon as possible…