Alkaline Trio - For Your Lungs Only - 7

Labels: Asian Man Records
Review by: Ian Cavell

Melodic punk which is dripping in emotion and oh so powerful . You get four tracks, only one of which is on the album. Plus its on Asian Man so you won’t have to pay through the roof for it. And guess what, its just fucking fantastic.

The a-side rocks hardest – with the awesome ‘Snake Oil Tanker’ which pelts along at a break neck pace and the moving ‘Southern Rock’. ‘Southern Rock…. Just how do you go about describing one of the best songs ever written? The version on this 7″ is faster than the album but no less powerful. It packs a heavy punch with a chorus that makes me dream of the day I can stand in a dingy, smokey club and witness this spectacle in person. Oh wow.

And to the flip side…. ‘Cooking Wine’ and ‘For Your Lungs Only’. The former is more melodic, with the usual personal, yet clever, lyrics. The latter kicks in with some great guitar work and is just as awesome as the other three tracks.

Goddamnit was one of the best albums I heard last year. I think ‘For Your Lungs Only’ maybe one of the best 7″s I hear this year. They really don’t come much better than this.