Get past the haircuts, and you’ll find Breather Resist are a life-affirming blast of fresh air in an otherwise stagnant hardcore world. Heavy as hell, but with an intelligently scattershot approach that means they swerve wildly from one note to the next, unwilling and unable to get too stuck to motifs and riffs, creating truly unpredictable music that remains innately listenable.

Harkonen remain criminally underrated, and this release is not going to win any converts. Whilst this is further evidence that the general public are generally morons, I suppose it’s understandable, as clod-hopping dirging hardcore is not everyone’s cup of tea. Driven, drunken and deranged, with the cleverest dumb-ass guitar work this side of a Fu Manchu solo, all noxious repetitive riffs hammered out in a valiant effort to musically express the term “FUCK YOU.” Wunderbar.

Two songs each. Nice cover. Good times.