Review by: Damien Mills
So, here is another one that I’ve had for quite a while but this time I hadn’t even realised it was for review, it just sort of got lost in the mass of musical incomings and out goings at damo towers. However one of the band members recently began nagging me, so here is your damned review!
Man, this starts of with a sort of weird noise but then just explodes! An amazing start to a record, and from then on it sort of has a really full on chaotic hc thing happening with little bits of melodic guitar and metalish chug in equal parts. Also, for something so initially angry sounding I found it quite uplifting with some nice guitar tones that just kind of fill the room. in general though, it is actually quite good!
I can’t remember if I got any info with this, so I can’t tell you much else about them. but if you see a copy of this you should definitely investigate.