Combatwoundedveteran - Orchid - split - 6

Labels: clean plate
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Oh my fucking god. Combatwoundedveteran are the maddest band I have ever ever heard. Basically, they just do any old thing with the guitars really incredibly quickly whilst a whole bunch of people yell and scream and shout. I was recently informed that the CWV do “Can’t Play Core” and that’s about right. Me and you could do this, but there wouldn’t be any point as CWV got there first. And they make you just fall about laughing. It is absolutely insane. Get a load of this: “To my freshly amputated legs! while trusty companions when they occupied the same space as me, they now are doing real good looking all bronzed and shiny on my office wall! … I was sorry to see them go, they will be missed. I love you legs!!!” – oh man. That is an extract from the ‘song’ “Hank Cut Out His Bowels Again”. It’s all just mad, brutal, fucked up hardcore. It’s stupid, but you can’t help but love it. All hail the Combatwoundedveteran!

Orchid up the sanity levels a little on this dinky 6″ with their brand of screamo hardcore. The production isn’t too hot, but these two songs are pretty decent. Hardcore played fairly fast with throat tearing screams, but a lot more structure to it than CWV, and occasionally they break down into less crushing sections that slows the pace a bit. I guess if you like stuff a long the lines of the Reversal of Man 10″, then Orchid is for you. I am looking forward to getting their full length soon.