Labels: Speedowax
Review by: Andy Malcolm
Ooh, more Discount songs. And they find themselves in the company of Scot pop punks, Beauty School Dropout. If it was real life, and I was BSD, and I had to share something with Alison from Discount, then I would probably just panic and not be able to speak and just mumble incoherently or something. Luckily, BSD come through with 2 cool songs to back up Discount’s 3 on this pretty purple vinyl.
First Discount effort is “On The Counter” which you have heard before if you own “Half Fiction”. I am out of words for describing Discount, so it is best you just find out for yourself if you still haven’t heard them. The other two tracks – “Antiseptic”, I am uncertain as to whether I have already got this. Sounds a bit familiar at times, but I don’t think I have. It’s mid-paced, punky power pop. It’s a Discount song. It has some really cool guitar bits. Wow, I review so good. They finish up on a song that isn’t acknowledged on the back of the record – it’s an acoustic track, and very nice it is too. One day, Discount should do an acoustic album and put it out on No Idea on insane vinyl.
Beauty School offer up 2 songs of mid-paced, catchy pop punkery, and it hits me in the right spot. Some neat high pitched vocals (sort of Skimmer-y). I don’t know why, but “Poison Pen” sort of makes me think of what the Bonaduces awesome “Really Powerful Telescope” song would sound like if it was punkier. Really toe-tapping and bouncy, super melodic, just v. cool alround. The back it up with “Pass The Buck” which is a little faster and the music also is that Skimmer sort of sound this time. And dashed damn fine it is too, so much so that they don’t even come close to dying a death next to Discount – I actually prefer BSD’s side of the disc.
Quality split from both bands. I look forward to when Discount return to these shores this summer, and when the Beauty School come to Leicester. June 27. Be there.