End Of A Year is a band I have been interested in for what seems like years. Shit, they posted their mp3s up on CMHWAK of all places many moons ago. Eventually they have gotten to the stage where they ready to put out some music, I think they might have a cd out too, but I haven’t heard that. If this 7″ is anything to go by, it must be pretty damn good – three tracks of high energy, classic emo hc that slips nicely into the gap vacated by Calvary and the Shivering (or Current and Rain, if you live in the past). The vocals are what makes it really stand out, desperately sung in the traditional style of this revolution summer type emo. Its fairly straight forward and melodic, but the songs are full of drive and neat touches that keep me attentive. Really good stuff going on here, although I think their best is yet to come.

Three Fifteen do the other side and they play straight ahead hardcore nestling comfortably between Minor Threat and Kid Dynamite. It’s not really the kind of thing I would choose to listen to, but they sound proficient enough at this style.