Engerica - My Demise - CD (2005)

Labels: Sanctuary
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Stunning! Engerica are back with yet another cd single of pisscannons to blow my mind at just how bad modern Brit-rock bands are. Take some smirkworthy Therapy?-esque moments and throw in a dude bellowing like he is in Orchid, no, wait, Thursday, and you have “My Demise”. RIFF RIFF RIFF. This is pretty generic rock club fare, where the 100 people in attendance are moshing their faces off with sheer abandon, purely because they have consumed way more shit beer / substandard drugs than should be lawful. Ask those 100 people at 5pm the next day if they recall the Engerica song, they will look at you blankly, and ask if you enjoyed hearing that song where the guy theatrically goes on about angels deserving to die. Which of course you did, because you also had consumed way too many beverages.

Second song on here sounds like Three Colours Red or something and is way better in that it would be practically impossible to have come up with a worse song than “My Demise”. Rebelliously entitled “Arsehole”, it is basically fast and shouty / screamy rock which kind of hints at the newer JR Ewing stuff or something, and the guy shouts “I LOOK LIKE AN ARSEHOLE”. Clever. If the band only sounded like this surprisingly acceptable song they would be far more tolerable than “My Demise” suggests.