Eniac - s/t - 7

Labels: X-Mist
Review by: Alex Deller

Truly a game of two halves here. One song, the shittily-titled “˜super friends are made of gold’ is a dapper little number, a snappy, spazzy jaunt mapped out with sharp guitar parts and a neat sense of urgency. Makes me think of bands like Milemarker, the Blood Brothers and Braniac, but with a better sense of melody than all three combined. Not that that’d be too hard.

The song which defiles the other side of the record, “˜ken and barbie’, is just shit. Pure and simple. The music is decent enough, with a danceable bassline and some wirey Fugazi-esque guitar parts, but the whole things dies on its feet with the wholely unecessary inclusion of this horrible gurgling robot voice that isn’t even remotely amusing. Final nails in the coffin take the form of a pointless skronk-out mid-way through, and a woeful keyboard part that seems to have crept from the depths of one of those rigged games that can be found lurking in any disreputable penny arcade. I know for a fact that I’m not sassy enough to be down with stuff like this little number, but at least that means I can recognise shit when I smell it. This song no, the other one yes.