Errortype:11 - Amplified To Rock - CD (2000)

Labels: Some Records
Review by: Andy Malcolm

This was a pleasant surprise – I’d heard their name thrown around a bit, and they’re on Some, but I hadn’t actually heard any of their songs. This is their second full length and “Amplified to Rock” is just as its name implies – loud rock music. But its not quite as simple as that – this is modern, emotional rock music. Andy, I would probably advise you to steer well clear. For everyone else, this comes highly recommended.

Imagine a rockier Texas is the Reason. Add some of that magical poppiness that someone like Gameface do and you have Errortype:Eleven. Sound good? I thought so. Top songs include “Things That Make You Want To (Kiss Me)” which is a great song with an awesome bassline and chorus. Meanwhile “I’m Alive” is my favourite track on the album. Full of emotion, it oozes quality. This song never fails to impress me.

Nine tracks which have been amplified to rock, yet remain melodic enough to keep you interested. Check them out please – its music like this that we need in our scene. As for me, I’m going to be searching out their first record fairly soon indeed.