Labels: 2 + 2 = 5
Review by: Alex Deller
Motherfuck, another slice of filth from Eyehategod, sticking like puke and dirty streamers to the soles of your shoes the morning after Mardi Gras. These tracks have appeared elsewhere (on the “Southern Discomfort’ odds n’ sods LP and “Confederacy of Ruined Lives’, a record I initially hated but has since grown on me like a tumour”¦), but have been thoughtfully exhumed in this rough-as-hell, unmastered form for forensic testing. The three songs stagger groggily through endless minutes of Sabbath riffs, slow-motion percussion and vocals that bring with them a genuine sense of sickness, the whole thing stinking like some raw, infected wound that adamantly refuses to heal. Brutal, nihilistic end-of-the-world blues that realises there’s nowhere else to go but the end of a rope from a high beam in the attic”¦