Francis Brady - s/t - 7

Labels: Wild Zero
Review by: Graeme Cunningham

Francis Brady are an eight piece from Germany. These members include include three vocalist and a synth. So even on paper I was interested to see what they were gonna be about.

The first track “œIs this the end?” is an evil big bastard, taking its cue from the likes of Kaospilot, which definitely seems to be a popular sound in Germany. Francis Brady however manages up a sufficiently thick and oppressive sound to stand on their own sixteen feet. The second track follows in similar fashion, but I think “œschalter: emotion leerlauf” on the flip side is where they make the best impact. Opening up with a prime slice of Orchid style hardcore, it switches into a twinkly breakdown, underlayed with ominous synth noises. This is where the three vocalists count, screaming their wretched hearts out as the break kicks back into a powerful crescendo. Then it drifts off into a long synth drone, at which point you’ll probably want to turn it off. This is pretty good, if not exactly ground breaking. There is definite potential for great things to come from this lot.

The packaging is great. Transparent red vinyl surrounded by sheets of over printed tracing paper, so you can see the record in the middle. This is the first release on a German label called Wild-Zero and they definitely set themselves a good benchmark.