Labels: Snuffy Smile
Review by: Andy Malcolm
Own every 7″ single HWM put out. It’s a challenge, but I am sure you are up to it. Anyway, so here is another. This time it’s a split with one of Japan’s finest, Screaming Fat Rat. Don’t let that name fool you into thinking they are a Screeching Weasel covers band by the way.
I hope everyone knows what HWM sound like (you should do), as it’s damn hard to keep thinking up new words for them. This song is more of that mid-paced, chuggery melodic hardcore with growled vocals and intelligent lyricism which this time broaches the subject of breaking the roles defined for boys and girls in society. Right on! Or, as the final word of the song says – “Respect”. It’s not their best song ever, but it is easily good enough to merit you buying this. It’s called “Tradition” just in case you have it already or something.
The Fat Rat kick my lame ass with the funly entitled “You Are Not The Rockstar” and some groovy lyrics about not being a fashion victim. I particularly dig the line “A pint of beer is rather valuable than such expensive clothes”. I’m down with the Rat, they rock. They have a pretty original sound too. Just hard driving melodic punk rock with a cool drumbeat and neato vocals that is a step away from their Texas Is The Reason styled rockings on their 5 track diddy, biscuit sized CD.
Look – you should own every Snuffy Smile record. You should own every Hot Water Music record. So what more excuse do you need?