Immune - s/t - CD (2003)

Labels: Gizeh
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Hmm, this one is a little out of my ballpark. 3 lengthy songs of, I dunno. Dark, meandering rock music. I mean, vocally it is a bit like Queens of the Stone Age at times (but not always, I think they have female vocals too), but musically it’s not. The music is more twisty and swirly and complex. It’s just not the sort of thing I can remotely describe because I suck so bad at reviews that all I can do is draw on terms of reference. And I have none for this. Um. Vaguely gothy too, with a few electronic blips thrown in for good measure. It builds up and has moments where the guitars really churn and rock out, but then there are more serene chill out moments that you might get on a Mogwai record or something. Which reminds me, I didn’t get that new Mogwai LP yet, is it any good? Anyway, well produced and fairly clean. That’s the first song, “Elek”. “2 Stranger” is more electronically oriented and sounds like the kind of thing I might hear upstairs at the local rock club at “Wraith” (a right dodgy goth/metal night). This does nowt for me at all I am afraid, and when it gets noisier it brings into my head some scary Wraith-related images, I tend to stick downstairs with Simon and fall over to pop punk if we ever by accident goto the Waterfront on those nights. It has some chilled out moments aswell which are quite nice. We wind up on “Hindsight” which has more of a rock flavour again, it’s like 8 minutes long, and does a fair bit with those 8 minutes. After 2 or 3 minutes it morphs into a spacey indie rock effort that makes me think of something like Juno! Something a little more comprehensible for me at least for a while anyway.

Really I do not know what to make of this, and I suspect nobody else at this zine would really have either. Oh well!