Review by: Chris Bress

Fucking hell! This band are just something else, they may get hyped to shit but they really do deserve it. How they can get some of the noise on this record from just bass, drums and a mic are fucking beyond me. If you haven’t heard this band yet they play nuts noise which is kind of metal, kind of punk and ends up sounding like a deranged mix of Mens Recovery Project, Oxes and Black Sabbath. In fact some of this sounds really electronic like Bastard Noise or even Squarepusher at times (although I’m sure nobody else is going to see that!!). Ive been enjoying this 12″ a lot more than the ‘Ride The Skies’ LP I have, the first song on this is just awesome. I really, really hope this band make it over on their tour that is meant to be happening. Check out the DVD too.