Hmm, more Neil Perry. And it sounds exactly the same as they always do. I am kind of down on life lately in general, but even if I was dancing through fields and wearing flowers in my hair and life was peachy then I would find it difficult to get worked up too much over 2 more songs of Neil Perry playing their rather samey brand of metal influenced emo violence. I’ve just heard it too many times. It’s still well played and is far from making this the kind of 7″ that I would sharpen into the shape of a shuriken and throw at oncoming ninjas who periodically leap in through my bedroom window or descend from the ceiling on a rope, but hey. Neil’s saving grace here is a short but sweet instrumental that is very good. Thanks.

Kaospilot are neat though, they are Norwegian and play an incisive brand of screamo hardcore that probably earns them many support slots with JR Ewing. They do two explosive tracks that are enjoyable and quite rocking. The second song has a great start, and is heavy without being too metal. Overall, they are a good mix up of fast and slow, rhythmic and danceable. I look forward to seeing them assault Norwich in the summer, they should be a good live experience.

Solid split.