Neil Perry - s/t - 7

Labels: Witching Hour
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Please bow your heads, and sacrifice a goat in remembrance. This is the final release on the label known as Witching Hour, the label that made putting out vinyl in absurdly limited, never to be repressed editions, an artform. These records featuring music played at fast speeds by angry young men who clearly never speak, rather they just kind of scream all the time. Now, WH is one of the few labels that ever understood this genre of music, i.e. If you are a screamo band who sounds horribly generic, you may as well rip off Honeywell. Heck, they even put out a record with Volume Eleven on one side. Yes, Witching Hour understand that good screamo has nothing to do with:

1) Shitty metal, or
2) Every now and again playing 30 second long melodic parts with normal (and often horrible) singing on

Yo. Ok, now that I have that pathetic whine out of the way, lets talk about this release!

Hmm, I’ve just realised there isn’t too much to say. Because Neil Perry sound like they always sound. A bunch of songs of heavy, pummelling noisy stuff. Not as well produced as the split with Joshua Fit For Battle, but solid nonetheless. They scream lots and it is fast but still thick and punishing. The Perry know how to bring the mosh, and that is exactly what they do on this record.

Highlight though, is the single song on the flip side, a beautiful instrumental jam “” it sounds like the twinkly instrumental stuff that the Promise Ring did on their first LP, especially the warm bass sound. So, get this release for this song, if nothing else.

And so, we bid the Hour a fond farewell “” kill kill kill.