Pinto - Gameface - split - 7

Labels: Speedowax
Review by: Ian Cavell

This split 7″ on Speedowax came with a lovely individualistic touch, a piece of a jigsaw. I’d like to think that jigsaw would get made someday – now that would be something!

Gameface. These guys are American right? Their lead singer certainly has that way of singing that makes me think – american right? Sort of an emotional warble (?!?) I was talking to Andy just tonight and he said Gameface were emo pop-punk which is dead right. ‘Somebody Save The Sun’ grabbed me from the instant, the vocals are engaging and the song powerful while ‘Chasing The Sun’ is more of the same. I love this kind of thing and Gameface has just been added to my list of bands to buy more of.

Pinto’s two tracks are slightly overshadowed by Gameface but its pretty much melodic pop-punk all the way. Both ‘Trading Places’ and ‘A-Song’ are more than competent – but lack that certain something that sets bands in this genre apart. I’d probably be tempted by a Pinto 7″ someday but as it stands I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to track anything down.