This is what I need, after listening to some utter junk for the past hour in the name of forming an objective opinion for a review. Some fucking Racebannon! Racebannon is hands down the best nutso screamo / hardcore band I have heard this side of Honeywell, and pretty much the only band of this ilk that really carries that legacy properly. They play furious music at devilish speeds, with wacked vocals that just ooze all over the music, the guy wails and screams and falls apart as you listen, and the band plays manically and busts your face. Lots of slow parts on this one with some muddy electronic shit going on in the background. The lyrics are emo as fuck, “I ain’t seen this whole world, but you showed me a lot. Yr all I ever need to see”. Sonically though, this is not for the faint of heart.

What I had heard previously of Mara’akate (I rarely spell these guys correctly) had me pegging them as rank amateurs riding on the 1999 Witching Hour revolution but this shit is not as shit. If you see. 3 songs that are as generic is as generic does, but these have a lot more quality to them than previous Mara’akate efforts. Screamed vocals (obviously) and pulsating guitar work that owes everything to bands like Honeywell or Reversal of Man, but on nowhere near as high a level as Racebannon. They do that style pretty well though, and they compliment the ‘bannon, if only for their relative predictability balancing off against their flipside pal’s lunatic tendancies.

Mighty fine splitage here my friend. Snap it up before you forget it ever existed.