Racebannon. Chaos. Probably one of the more apeshit bands in the world right now. Looped things crackle and tingle before launching into a cavalcade of sludge-fuelled screaming emo chaos where the singer coughs and splutters like Sylvester the cat having a bad acid trip. Mr Bungle meets the Melvins meets Honeywell and sets fire to an insane asylum whilst reading William S. Burroughs and eating fistfuls of magic mushrooms. These are not songs, this is not music. This, as your parents have told you oh so often, is “just noise.” But what a beautiful noise. Like drilling a hole in the head of the madman and seeing just what the hell is going on in there: cogs turn in different directions, sparks fly, internal demons wrestle and the angel that should sit on the right shoulder lies dead with a poison arrow in its throat…

The Disease are nice enough, but sound positively pedestrian in comparison. Latterday screamo hardcore with a splash of keyboards, which immediately has you thinking of either the Locust or In/humanity gone Bontempi: scream scream scream and hit that fucking demo key! I wish I’d thought of that for my music class in secondary school… Seriously, this is pretty ok in my book, particularly the last song, which just sounds fucking massive, taking up all the air in my bedroom with a wall of guitar noise, distorted bass and frenetic drumming, choking me on a swathe of pummelled black and white keys whilst screaming blue murder in my terrified face…