Review by: Unknown

Finally, a two-CD collection of all the Racebannon EP material is collected in one place… kind of. There are a few tracks missing from the Helen of Troy split, there is no sign of the remix material and I am sure there are a few other things not to be found… but we shall overlook that for the moment.

As with other recent Alone discography releases it comes in a nice digipack, very slick and professional. Shame there is no fucking lyrics as that is part of the joy of the ‘Bannon… but we shall overlook that too.

The reason I picked this up, aside from being a freak for rcbnnn, is the Black Sabbath cover and the demo tracks… both of which deliver in every way I hoped. Their take on Sabbath Bloody Sabbath is worth the purchase price alone! (Think about it, that crappy comp it came on costs more than this collection). As for the demo, the version of I am on the Racing Team is so fucking raw and even more fucked! Recorded onto fucking VHS then of course the quality of the demo is iffy but for freaks it’s a nice thing to hear.

Even if you have some of the EPs it is definitely worth grabbing this as it’s super handy and allows for maximum freakouts whist we wait for the new LP.