Recess Theory commit what would appear to be a cardinal sin in the emo world at the moment. They are one of those bands that someone might typically describe to a friend in an off-hand moment as “um, they kinda sound a little bit like a cross between the Get Up Kids and the Promise Ring”. Because completely everyone sounds like that right now. But if you actually paid attention, and listened to this CD rather than ignored it on the basis of that ignorant statement, you’d find a whole lot more.
Sure, the Theory (digressing, just how many damn emo bands have ‘theory’ or ‘conspiracy’ in their name right now? whats up? I fear Mid Carson July have a lot to be unwittingly blamed for what with their old ‘conspiracy’ base website. [more brackets – I seem to be mentioning that band a whole lot recently]). Oh, ruined my sentence. Where was I? Oh yeah, sure, the Theory have these elements: the cute, pleading, boy vocals of GUK or MCJ that just kill, a dash of the brash unpredictability of Braid, and the flowing song structures of the Ring – but the key is that they sound fresh, fun, and lovely. Lots of neat touches, getting the perfect balance of the rock and prettiness. And I wish there was more than this mini album has stored in its 29 minutes.
Ace Oakland Raiders coloured packaging too, with a diecut cover, and blurry photo’s of people walking in front of stuff. Walking into pictures I guess. That just puts the stamp on a quality little piece of music. Yeah, so it’s a totally cliched style, but this is one of my favourite emo records in a long time, and that’s coming from someone who is a little disheartened with the inherent sameyness of this type of band at the moment. Recess Theory are regenerating some of my missing enthusiasm for the new breed.