Reigns - s/t - 7

Labels: Jonson Family
Review by: Alex Deller

There is an odd feeling about this 7″ that makes me think of a choose-your-own-adventure book or some old RPG I might’ve played on the ZX Spectrum. The sleeve has a series of strange

“œ”¦give the key to the mage. He will then unlock the treasure chest and give you the strength spell. Use this when you return to the Berserker, this time accepting his challenge to a test of might. Upon besting the ogre he will relinquish the chalice. Put this in you knapsack and make your way to the tavern”¦”

instructions on it, and this seems to seep into the music, making me feel like they should’ve included stub of pencil and a pair of twelve-sided die with this record”¦

Musically, we start with a pleasant piano-led tune sounding like cyborgs playing a Rachel’s song, a soft tinkle that might be better as a prelude to something rather than a standalone piece. Lovely in itself, but when the needle lifts you’re left wanting a few more tracks to really absorb you and drag you on in. Recurring Attic Dream on the flip works far better as a self-contained slice of goodness, starting with a creepy backwards gurgle before easing into a wavering keyboard part and some subdued, scattered beats that bring to mind Manitoba or Boards of Canada at their more pensive. The result is a warm, swirling sound like water disappearing down the plughole, wrapping around you so snugly that you won’t realize its over until five minutes after the needle has lifted. Again, it would be nicer to hear another half hour on top to really get the chance to lose yourself in what Reigns have to offer, but since there’s an album on the way I suppose this is a mere soupcon to whet the appetite and get the lazy hounds slavering. Purpose served, goal achieved. Nice work, people!