Secret Mommy - Very Rec - CD (2005)

Labels: Ache
Review by: Alan Read

Each tune on this record is made from found sounds, captured at various recreational centre’s and then processed / edited to make very structured electronica full of clicks, blips, beeps and glitches. The concept in theory is really geeky and academic but the music that Secret Mommy makes is really playful, up “”beat, interesting electronica, kind of like Matmos but more of a straight up party.

My only real criticisms of this recording are that the beats can be very four on the floor and every tune has similar processing but other than that it’s a really interesting record. Oh and the melody lines can be cheesey as fuck. Visit the link below and listen to dance studio, it’s an ok (one of the worst on the record tho) tune, but it does benefit from real instrumentation, and shows a path that migth be followed on the next record.

Another good ache release, this label is starting to do some really good musics. Ones to keep an eye on and this record is worth checking out if you’re into this type of music.