Four More Sheryl’s good uns on here! Can’t get enough of these dudes at the moment, and their brilliantly catchy indie rock melodies. Opening song and title track on here is bouncy with gorgeously warm mid-west emo style guitars recalling when the Promise Ring used to write superbly simple little tunes, although Sheryl’s differ in sound with multiple vocalists that sound more urgent than lispy old Dave, and perhaps is more comparable to the wonderful Lovesick. Things twinkle in and out then up the rock quotient. Tasty. They indulge in acoustic stuff on “Bend Not Break” which is a downbeat sounding effort with soft vocals and strummed guitar, and “Everytime, Which Isn’t Very Often” is similarly beautiful in it’s understatedness. There’s clarinet on this track, what a talented bunch. Things return to an electrified (?) band on “That Boy Is Somebody New”, which brings back the melody and strong vocals and multiple backups. The production is a bit scruffy, but it’s still endearing (plus they goof off at the end of the song), also features flute! I am still led to the “poppier Lovesick” comparison. And seeing as Lovesick are one of my all time faves, that can’t be a bad thing now can it?