Slowreader - s/t - CD (2002)

Labels: Fueled by Ramen
Review by: Mark Skold

The Impossibles started life as a ska-punk-rock band. then they turned a little more rock. Then they split up. Then they reformed, and sounded quite a lot rock (a la The Stereo or The Reunion Show). Now the split up again. Bum.

But front-duo of Rory and Gabe had the Slowreader project going for a while before hand, which has now come to a head with this S/T debut, some shows planned for December and the fact that this is no longer a project – it’s a fully fledged BAND.

Apparently, with the live shows, you can expect a rack-mounted portable Macintosh and a portable hot-tub, as well as the unique mellow-ness that ensues from the songs.

This record sounds a lot like the Impossibles, but with the volume and speed brought way down. Some of the sweetest and most chilled music I’ve heard since Wheat released their masterpiece “Hope & Adams”.

Slowreader present some of the most perfect background music, but especially when communication dries up and all you can hear is the CD player. If you concentrate on it, you’ll be entertained for hours. That includes after the record has finished.

Luscious, mellow, soft, thoughtful and intriguing are a small selection of adjectives one would use to describe this record. If you need something to kiss your partner to, smoke a joint to, go to sleep to, or just stop and catch your breath to, I’d put this on straight away. In just one word: excellent.