Review by: Shawn Cameron
Avant-garde pop and indie rock connoisseurs take note. Although you probably already have this record, it is amazing. It’s no surprise J. Robbins was at the helm of this. It feels like a pop band has listened to everything from jazz to emo violence, has found their niche in indie pop and recorded it. From crazy sounds on track one to echoes, “if i don’t have sex by the end of the week i am going to die” in track 7.
Whether you like the Promise Ring or think they are too mindless (for you “they are so unintelligent and boring” bunch) this is for you.
The Dismemberment Plan released two albums on DeSoto, got signed to Interscope, released one EP (which is also highly recommended), got dropped and have regrouped and gone back to Desoto. No major changes throughout the way but this is obvious progression. It’s pop that isn’t scared to scream. It’s like a metal band that has no problem playing acoustic (e.g. Cave In).
In my mind any band that will not live up to what is expected of a particular type of music is great. Get t-h-i-s.