The Get Up Kids - the Anniversary - split - 7

Labels: Vagrant
Review by: Ian Cavell

I had high hopes for this one but all the gorgeous packaging in the world won’t atone for two songs that are far from exciting. Now, the Get Up Kids can write some cracking pop songs when they put their mind to it, but ‘Central Standard Time’ certainly isn’t one of them. Sure you can run through the checklist – warm layered guitars, sappy lyrics and the ever present keyboard melodies but somewhere down the line the ‘kids neglected to make this song interesting. It plods along, throws a few harmonies at you and then slouches off to go and watch TV. Instantly forgettable.

Flip the 7″ and you get another Get Up Kids track called ‘Vasil + Bluey’. Except the piece of paper says it’s actually a band called the Anniversary and all the members have changed their names. What? This is a completely different band? Are you sure? Alas, this is also as dull as dishwater.