You’ve gotta love the emo band name here. Mentioning both dreaming and autumn. Two emo bases covered in just four words, a 50 percent hit rate. Impressive.

I listened to this all the way through and i thought: “there must be more to it, they must be more than just another generic screamo band”. But that’s it. There is nothing more to it. They have no more desire than to scream themselves to death, and play metally hardcore interspersed with melodic parts. Screamo screamo screamo. I’d have figured people had gotten over this style by now, but obviously not. I do have to say I like the subtle, quiet parts where they play the twinkle emo guitar and the guy barks hoarsely, but I am desperately trying to think of reason not to say: “I have heard this all before, and better”. I think if they had varied the heavier parts they could have come up with an interesting style here, but it’s the same old same old that lets them down. They also fail to make use of their girl vocals enough. Obviously there are some great parts, like when “Totoro” comes out of its miserable melancholy and into the blitzkrieg blast that follows without so much a word of a warning. The sci-fi electronic fx and laborious droning of the instrumental “Sightless Among Miracles” are pretty special for their two-minute duration too. Damn, I wish this was their actual style for the entire disc as then I would be hooting and hollering about how great a band they were. Ah well.

Very average, at best, which is quite surprising coming from the Spiritfall label. Make sure you own all the stuff by You And I, Saetia, and Portrait before even considering picking this up.