Review by: Dan Baker
For you to fully understand how great this record really is, I need to describe the setting. Im sitting in a computer room at my university, a place which is normally so loud and annoyingly packed with people who are a: talking very loudly to people at the other end of the room, b:talking very loudly on the mobiles, or c: talking very loudly to people at the other end of the room on their mobiles (i kid you not).
Right now, though I am slightly visually aware of the previous description, i can’t feel it at all. This record is so blissfully enchanting that it removes all my senses and places them somewhere completely tranquil and so far away, that all is left is a hollow shell typing frantically away at a keyboard.
This record is amazing. Take the pretty undistorted melodies of American Football, the long instrumental effect laden style of Mogwai, and the emotional feeling of Christie Front Drive, whisk until creamy, and leave to cool in a fridge for ten minutes, and you have the wonder that is Tristeza. Wow.