Here’s some assistance in giving you an idea as to whether you will like Usurp Synapse. They had a crazily packaged 6″ on Witching Hour. They have a forthcoming record due out on Level Plane. Now if those aren’t two of the darnedest labels around right now… Anyways, here they lay down four tracks on one side of the slab o’ black. Emotion Zero occupy the other. I’ll deal with them, albeit briefly, in a moment or two.

Right – the Usurps. If you fancy a little more of the sick vocalled chaotic hardcore that all the coolest people are playing, then you’ll go nuts for this lot. Quickfire songs, throwing in a lot of freneticity in the stylings of a band like the Red Scare. The band are at their best when contrasting the raging craziness with their more subdued moments. “Carebear Stare” (a cool title) does this with an eerie melodic break playing off against the insanity. Another cool title is to be found on “Spidey Sense is Fucking Going Nuts”, which has a twinkle break over which the band imitate people screaming as though they have just been shot in the face. With a sawn off. At close range. Repeatedly. It reminded me of Portrait. Overall, I think if you like Angel Hair, then you’ll like this band too. No, not the pasta, dimwit.

Emotion Zero meanwhile play chunky metal, with death vocals. Yuk. I can’t stand this because the vocals sound so stupid to me, I just don’t get this style of music at all. Maybe you like this kind of thing. Maybe I think you are weird.

Get it if you want to hear more Usurp Synapse right this second, otherwise hold out for their forthcoming records.