War All The Time - The Horror - Split - 7

Labels: Zandor
Review by: Kunal Nandi

This review doesn’t need writing. If you’re looking at a website that dabbles in hardcore and you don’t know who the fucking Horror are, then you’re beyond help and should shoot yourself in the face now. They’re ex-Voorhees (heard of them?) with the singer from Imbalance (if you’ve not heard of them, that’s understandable though equally if not more annoying) and play fucking great fast and shouty hardcore with a distinct rock ‘n’ roll feel as you might expect from old men who’ve been at it for years and should know better but luckily don’t. Sweet.
War All The Time win it for me though. Whereas The Horror aren’t averse to chucking in the odd solo, have intros and outros and sometimes slip in some singalong bits, WATT are the purest hardcore hit I’ve heard in years. Stripped-down and to the fucking point, they really show how much can be done with so few ingredients. So utterly simple, so brutally direct, this is exactly what hardcore should be like. It’s totally zen man. Plus is there a song about Thatcher in there? Jesus.
Further proof that no one under the age of 30 (or should that be 40?!?!) should be in a band.