For Science - Way Out of Control - 12

Labels: Don Giovanni
Review by: Andy Malcolm

In a year that saw LPs from the Ergs AND the Unlovables, you’d probably be surprised to learn that some of the best pop punk songs to come out in 2007 were recorded by a completely different band. That band being For Science. These 8 songs of deleriously good pop punk came out a couple of months ago and this stuff completely blows away anything they have released prior. Several of the tracks tear along at a wild pace with the great vocals completing the picture. The singing is very slightly unhinged sounding, and slightly gruff without venturing into the rather well trodden Gainesville vocal ballpark. I guess it’s slightly like Eric from Dillinger 4 in that regard. Things are brought back from the break-neck with a country-tinged acoustic number, “Just Pray”” and “”The Rides”” dispenses with the poppiness for a fairly bland melodic hardcore feel before cranking up the pop punk again in a brighter fashion. Then we flip the record for the genius “”Leaving New Brunswick”” which fairly belts along bringing to mind Rivethead. And things are good. Final track “”Salutations”” rounds things off with a big rocking number a fitting finale.