Labels: self released
Review by: Andy Malcolm
Sometimes I potter around on the internet, desperate to find a new band that sounds kind of like the bands I listened to about 8 or 9 years ago. I don’t really have much luck. Fortunately, one or two blogs do post about new music that I actually am interested in, particularly Sound as Language. That is where I found out about Tin Kitchen. Tin Kitchen were a very short lived band from Brooklyn or something. They recorded this 3 songs cdep with Kyle Fischer from Rainer Maria, and I guess that’s appropriate, as the band kind of fit in with R|M and bands from back then. “F Sharp” opens things up with some nice, rolling emo / indie. It’s all endearingly lofi, guitars push things along, Lindsay’s vocals are a little off-key but then that’s part of the charm with bands like this. The title track is the answer to the question “What would Mineral have sounded like if they had female vocals?”. Linday lingers over words for ages, like Simpson at his most miserable. Superb. The guitars are like early Promise Ring, simple but pushing things along. Things speed up and get messy after two minutes, with squealing Mineral-esque feedback. Final song “Archibald Alexander” is the pick for me – very repeteiive musically and lyrically (a song about rain and clouds and leaves), with Evergreen style bass and soaring moments of wonderfulness as the song builds up. So, so good.
I guess overall the band is somewhere between very early Promise Ring, Lazarus Plot and Mineral. If that doesn’t make you want to check them out straight away, then I’m sorry. Too bad this is all they recorded, but folks from the band have other things going on, and I am sure they’ll be reviewed on here in due course.