Thursday - Envy - split - LP (2008)

Labels: Temporary Residence
Review by: Danny Parsons

Such an ‘epic’ release by such ‘epic’ bands. Somebody from Mercury Rev helped Thursday on one of the songs (cool!!!11!!), there’s AMAZING artwork by somebody who’s well-known and super-mega-limited fancy-coloured vinyl. Shame the songs are a bit gash. I listened to the Thursday side first as I was hoping that maybe they’d reverted from from their current cack and lo and behold…the first track is like listening to Full Collapse again. Quite the treat really, really catchy, really layered. Cool. Obviously it’s over-produced to buggery, but they’ve always been a bit like that so I guess it’s to be expected. There’s two instrumental tracks on this side which I wasn’t really expecting, but, as you’d expect, they’re a bit pedestrian. Luscious soundscapes which probably took the Mercury Rev bloke five minutes on a macbook. *Sigh*. the other Thursday song with vocals is ‘An Absurd and Unrealistic Dream of Peace’, which I’m sure you can tell from the name is really ‘powerful’. Your overt politics doth not interest me Geoff Rickley!

Anyway, Envy side. I really think they’ve done this whole post-rock/screamo/hardcore amalgam thing to death now. They’ve released so much now and although this side is a lot better than Thursday’s, I almost feel guilty listening to it because it could easily be off any of their other albums. It’s old hat and I feel like I shouldn’t like it at all but I do. If you’ve heard anything else by them you’ll know what to expect here.

I don’t want any more Envy! Enough! You were good and you still are, but stop re-hashing everything PLEASE. I shouldn’t like you out of obligation! *Ahem*. Maybe Temporary Residence will consider a repress with two sides of that one Thursday song on especially for me.