Tyvek - Summer Burns - 2x7

Labels: What’s Your Rupture?
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Holy shit, Tyvek, this is a band I am ridiculously excited about at the moment. I think they have been around a bit, but ever the slacker I am not the first to pick up on such goodness. Tyvek to me sounds like the band I wish Shitty Limits would be. The vocals are similarly whacked out and frantic, the guy sounds kind of English, and the guitars slice away in a furious fashion, yet maintaining an essence of melody. The rhythm grooves and forces the tunes to fly along at quite a rate. This is thrilling, garaged-up post punk of the kind that Eddy Current Suppression Ring are lately foisting upon us. It is exactly the kind of punk rock that I want to hear coming out of my speakers. And this double seven contains four songs of it. Each is highly impressive, and fills one side of vinyl. You are ready for the next one when each finishes, eager to hear what ideas they are going to cram into each song. Brimming with neat touches, explosive moments and all round hotness, Tyvek have nailed it right here. What a great release.