Castevet - Summer Fences - CD (2009)

Labels: Count Your Lucky Stars
Review by: Andy Malcolm

These guys are pretty hot right now, exciting the new DIY emo kids with their mathy indie / emo thing. I am not quite as enthralled as some by their meandering songs that tend to push the 5 minute mark, but this is a solid outing. The music is pitched somewhere between Small Brown Bike and On the Might of Princes, with melodic and often mathy guitars veering between pretty twinkles and rock out parts. The vocals are gruff, and that’s perhaps the biggest surprise, you wouldn’t expect dudes with beards (probably) to sound like this, but Castevet carry it off, even if the gruff vocal thing is beyond over done for me these days. I am not one to be sold on math, but this is the gentler kind, the American Football style noodling, and there are plenty of gentle sways that wouldn’t sound out of place on a Promise Ring record either, and that kind of thing is always going to win me over. Overall, this is a wholesome blend of very pleasant music with a little bit of a bite to it when required. Castevet are not going to redefine music but they do stand out vastly amidst the crowd of worthless mathy indie rock.