Solemn League - the Beach - 7

Labels: Kids in Misery
Review by: Andy Malcolm

You might not be familiar with this label, but they are putting out probably the best emo records from mainland Europe right now, most of them by bands that are the musical equivalent of the B-2 Stealth Bomber. Solemn League at least had the good sense to appear on a split with a band that had been on a split with End of a Year, so they aren’t quite so buried under an avalanche of obscurity. Anyway, this two tracker seven is hot. “The Beach” is a total rager, spoken and sobbed vocals over repetitious guitar parts – one of the most interesting developments in the emo scene in the past few years has been bands injecting more post punk into the sound, and Solemn League come across as a magnificent cross between Native Nod and Wilderness. It drives along powerfully, guitars are intricate yet repetitious, there is no math, just full steam ahead and tightly wound grooves. Flip it for “The Burden” and the killer guitar wanders in on a bed of thumping drumming, love it. It’s more of the same stuff, with a little Yaphet Kotto riffage thrown in for good measure and a lovely twinkle part.

This is the best Germanmo I have heard since Yage I reckon. Feint praise perhaps, but this is truly worth your time and money. I am excited to hear an LP from this band (I have no idea if there is one in the offing), as it should be pretty special.