These Monsters - Call Me Dragon - CD (2009)

Labels: Brew Records
Review by: Joe Callaghan

I’ve thought long and hard about this record, and I really don’t know what I can tell you about it, other than that I thought it was really great! This neo-progressive rock is certainly not something I’d ever go for, but These Monsters have something instantly accessible and urgent that would make plenty of prog rock nay-sayers like me sit up, pay attention, and tenderly rock back and forth, as if I were pilled-up at the Laser Rock Show. Well, not quite. It doesn’t quite conjure up anything too wild, but it just has wall-to-wall riffs, and I am a huge advocate of the guitar riff, but equally as pernickety about said guitar riff being done right. In this instance, These Monsters barely get the guitar riff wrong. Flawless riffing. But surely a record needs more than just riffs to carry it though? No it doesn’t. Get fucked. Maybe a nice sleeve, or a distinctive vocalist, but these are all peripheral privileges. Riffs!

There’s not too much stuff kicking about like this at the moment. There’s the Freezing Fog, who take a much more classic approach, but These Monsters have a very distinct contemporary sound whilst flourishing in classic influences. It really is quite an enjoyable effort, and a bit of fresh air from what I hear from new bands on a regular basis. They are even playing in my town soon, and this record as encouraged me to head on down. Well in!