Rameses III - I Could Not Love You More - CD (2009)

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Review by: David Giles

I Could Not Love You More is 57 minutes of moody, droning ambient. I first put this cd on while getting ready to go out and it didn’t click with me. Since then I’ve blasted it almost every time I’ve opened a book, took a nap or wrote an essay. I feel a little deflated trying to describe this because the words that I feel apply have been thrown about and bastardized in reviews of one boring “˜post-rock’ album after another over these last few years. What this gets so right, I think, is a thicker mood than most of the other ambient records I’ve heard. At times I find myself thinking of Field of Hats “” although Rameses III is perhaps more involving (and other tracks sound nothing like FoH). There are a few low-points on the album where it all feels a little familiar but these are made up for by the gloomy, murky droning tracks and the amount of variation throughout. I definitely think that Rameses III are at their best when the Field of Hats comparison holds true. So good. You’d be nuts to dismiss this.