Echoes the Fall - Ignite the Fury - CD (2009)

Labels: self released
Review by: David Giles

Old Scottish metal website Goatfucker might be coming back. The guy who runs it, Stuart, put up a statement about why they packed it in and what changes they want to make this time around. He wrote about how shit pop metal bands had ruined it for them and that this time around, “œIf you play music to get burds, fuck off. If you are in a band so you can get a record contract and make loads of money, fuck off. If you have any dreams of getting into music charts or played on commercial radio, kill yourself.” Echoes Fall almost definitely won’t be allowed on Goatfucker. They’d probably be welcomed into the Kerrang cesspit of juvenile nonsense though.

This is heavily derivative, overplayed and unimaginative faux-metalcore regurgitate complete with shrill, screamy vocals, chugging VS melodic twiddly lead segments and shit, not-even-that-heavy beat downs. Maybe better than some of the dung heap of similar stuff being released just now”¦ but who cares? It all sounds the same anyway. Boring.

Someone send in a legit metal record to be reviewed on C-Z please.