Fago Sepia - s/t - 2xCD (2010)

Labels: Aposiopèse
Review by: Samuel Fowler

I’m not sure exactly what I should be reviewing here. Included in the
package were both a selftitled 3 track ep along with a second 2 track
miniature cd. After a good few minutes of listening to each ep
suggesting that *it* was the one I was supposed to be reviewing, I
decided to review both of them at the same time which shut them up.

I certainly couldn’t fault any attention to detail here, both CD’s are
creatively packed (the miniature one being in some form of translucent
plastic covering) and they also popped in a few bits and pieces-
pictures and the like. One of the pictures however does show a rather
sulky looking gent shoving his middle finger up. Bit rude that.

So we already have two paragraphs and no mention of the music yah? I
think this unfortunately serves as a useful illustration of the music
herein. The first ep is very jazzy and mathy. Very much so infact, and
it’s not long before ye olde twiddlemo spots that the coast is clear,
and comes galavanting out. I’m struggling to really think of anything
to say really, it’s music I guess, and there’s nothing wrong with it,
it’s just that I don’t really “˜get’ it. It’s the kind of music that I
assume appeals chiefly to musicians, and the folk who appreciate
instrumental talent.

The second disc has trotted on right on in from post rock territory.
Both songs are quite long, but unfortunately also don’t really do
anything during that time (spot the trend..) Longer songs like these
kind of need to have some form of narrative or variation to keep my
attention, and sadly both efforts here seem to casually meander away
gently sounding pretty much the same, and not really going anywhere.
For a comparison, imagine if you will the sort of narcoleptic “œsounds
of nature” style CD’s that can be obtained from your local heathfood
shop that are purportedly full of the sounds of moles digging, and
caterpillars nibbling on leaves… You know the sort.

So apart from Fago Sepia sounding like some kind of distressing Latin
disease what can I say? Well, I’ve bought quite a few REALLY good
records recently that keep making me want to come back and back to
them, but I’m not feeling that from either of these offerings I’m