the Riot Before - Rebellion - CD (2010)

Labels: Paper and Plastick
Review by: Dan Bennett

The Riot Before’s sophomore effort presents us with an album that’s varied in style and full energy and
whilst being a thoroughly enjoyable record, isn’t without it’s faults.

Rebellion seems to find the band in a situation whereby they’re not 100% on what kind of album they
are producing. Given the recent popularity of bands such as the Gaslight Anthem and Lucero, many
others are now choosing to try and blur the lines between classic rock with their punk rock roots. In the
case of The Riot Before it works but takes a little time to do so.

Great things are promised on opener The Middle Distance, setting the scene for a punk rock album that
will alleviate you from the current run of weak & disappointing punk bands. It’s messy beginning with
almost Shellac like bass thuds, soon gives out to the urge to move full swing into full on punk rock.
The album’s first stumble comes in the form of next track Backstage Rooms, a song that kills the
momentum gained by The Middle Distance and marking the first of a handful of songs that favour a
more of a slower traditional rock sound. This is a common occurrence throughout the record and despite
the fact that I cannot critique the songs themselves as there’s nothing inherently wrong with them, my
beef lies in the aforementioned positioning of said tracks.

As the album progresses, this classic rock influence shines through more and more to the point that
it becomes intertwined with the heavier punk rock numbers, a practise that works far better than the
stand alone songs. Had the album taken this approach as a whole then it would have much more of a
continuous flow to it.

Rebellion is definitely an album that’s best enjoyed in hindsight, on first listens I struggled to get on
board with due to the fact that it seemed to fall in line with bands like The Gaslight Anthem, but on
further listens, there’s far more to it. There’s heart, energy and passion in this record and it’s this that
elevates it above the rest of the crowd, despite it’s initial stumbles.