The music on this CD spins me straight back into the 90s, Crackle Records, Chopper and whatnot. It’s a joy to hear a pop punk band sound like they are from this country and not from fucking Gainesville. Sure, the sloppy and free wheeling nature of the whole thing brings to mind long ignored bands like Fay Wray, but the vocals are energetic and heavily accented instead of gruff and Yankee, whilst the music flies around at high speed. Maintaining the strong regional feel of the whole thing are song titles such as “Bus Strike” and “Strongbow”, and lyrics like “fuck your fancy cheese, get some mushy peas” (although the early Superchunk-ish “abcd!” is dead emo and the stand out track for me). This is straight up, unpretentious UK melodic punk, and it is a blast for sure. The songs barely trouble the clock, only one is over 153 seconds long and several are less than 120, but each one maintains the energy and excitement of seeing this kind of band live. There’s not much more to add, if you like it like it was over a decade ago, and still spin “Last Call for the Dancers” every now and again then Pudge is the band for you. Good uns!