We Fade  To Grey - M()ck - Split - 7

Labels: asymmetrie
Review by: Oli Saunders

This is a split between two German bands that are both new to me, put out by Asymmetrie. The packaging and artwork is very minimalistic but I like it. There are no inserts at at, with all information residing on the labels on the 7”.

Both bands contribute one song, and We Fade To Grey are up first. Described by the label as having North Of America influences, I certainly agree with this. Combine this with the sound that the rest of the current crop of German emo / post-punk bands have and this should give you a good idea for what WFTG’s sound is like. Sung vocals for the most part, with additional shouted vocals later on, though it remains fairly easy going on the ears. I especially like the instrumental bit halfway through the song, some great guitar riffs going on there.

M()ck play on the other side and the beginning of the song is beautiful. A slow and slightly jazzy introduction builds up and reminds me very much of Karate. This then suddently switches into the main rhythm of the song, which is much faster. The transition isn’t particularly smooth though and I think it could have been done better. I would describe the rest of the song as a mixture of Karate and German post-punk. It’s nice stuff, my main criticism is just that it could flow a bit better.

Overall, both sides are very solid and I think a fair number of people on Collective may be into this.

4th October 2010