Milk Music - Beyond Living - LP (2011)

Labels: self released
Review by: Andy Malcolm

So why do we bother with this shit? Instead of just listening to whatever else we’re being spoonfed. Milk Music embodies the reasons why. This EP is just 6 tracks, but just listening to it makes me thrilled that I ever somehow got involved with this nonsense in the first place. Six tracks of full steam ahead independent rock music. Tight. Emphatic. Focused. The guitars blast on furiously, and the vocals are wailing away somewhere in the mix. Dudes with their heads down, bringing it. Hair flailing furiously. Punk rock filtered through Husker Du’s smarts and Dinosaur Jr’s bluntness. A surefire winner of a combination. The first side of this record is a total winner. Opener “Fertile Ground” is a relentless barrage and it cruises beyond into the title track which displays a similar level of uncomplicated genius. There are so many independent rock bands out there that set out to play effective blue collar tunes, but so few manage to capture the spirit and energy that Milk Music manage on this record. It stands out amidst a field of average bands full of regular dudes doing their thing by throwing caution to the wind, and belting everything out without a thought for whether it’s a good idea or not. And it is carried by a voluminous recording that just makes everything sound massive. I couldn’t have asked for more. This is exactly the kind of music I want to be listening to. Fucking great. Play as loud as you can. And then play again, at double the volume.