Labels: Minimal Resource Manipulation
Review by: Captain Fidanza
When I was in the fifth year at high school a group of deluded idiots representing the UK Dragonboat association did an assembly for us one Tuesday afternoon in which they told us all about Dragonboat racing and showed us the special costumes you have to wear when you go Dragonboat racing and how it’s really good to go Dragonboat racing because you make new friends and learn a new sport and also it’s fun and they showed us an official UK Dragonboat racing video of people competing in some Dragonboat racing and talking about why they liked Dragonboat racing so much.
At the end of the assembly, the representatives of the UK Dragonboat association stood at the door holding some leaflets and looking eagerly, but with a definite sense of longing into the eyes of every single member of the fifth year as we all filed past them without so much as a glance in their direction. Fuck Dragonboat racing I thought, it’s stupid, it’s a stupid waste of time.
Approximately ten years earlier, for some indiscernible reason now lost to the past, a crazy old woman from a local orchestra brought a concert harp into the middle school and played it for ages whilst two hundred and forty children sat and watched in absolute awe. I can still remember how spellbound I was with every single aspect of the day; the mad old woman who clearly didn’t give a fuck, this massive instrument which looked like something out of Jason and the Argonauts, the incredible sound the thing made when the old woman played it, the graceful movement of her arms as she lost herself in the music and the way we all applauded like idiots when she had finished.
So that’s it.
That’s the secret.
When something doesn’t care whether you like it or not, when it doesn’t try to make you like it or make any direct form of appeal to you and just allows you to come to it on your own terms, the entire emphasis is placed upon you and if you’re listening with the right kind of ears, you can make something of it.
That’s what this does and it does it well.