One Win Choice - Conveyor - CD (2011)

Labels: Jump Start Records
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Here’s a CD that’s been sitting around in the “WHO WANTS TO WRITE ABOUT THIS?” pile for bloody ages. No-one wants to write about it. I should have just sent it to Sam Fowler and been done with it. Oh well. Further research suggests that we review something by this band every two years, that the first time around I wasn’t particularly impressed nor particularly displeased with their middle of the road melodic hardcore gubbins, and on the follow up “Dangerous Jamie” (whatever happened to him?) got a bit over-exicted about them. Unfortunately for the band, “Dangerous Jamie” no longer writes for Collective and it seems that no-one else writing for us really gives a shit about pumped up melodic hardcore bands either.

One Win Choice still sound like bands such as Kid Dynamite, but the vocals are horrible, the dude sounds like he should be playing in something a lot heavier than this. I don’t really know why, but music that sounds like this feels like it should come from Germany or Sweden or something. By that I mean it sounds out of date, and I always associate out of date bands with Europe. I am so racist. Anyways, the best stuff is the super poppy stuff like “Who Threw Out The Itinerary?” which is dead catchy, but if you work your way down the food chain from Lifetime to Latterman to bands that do this thing in 2011, you can probably work out where you, personally, get off the tram. Possibly even before Lifetime.

It’s sweaty dudes and bros, (probably) a lot younger than me, having fun, being punk. Doing their thing. It doesn’t really connect with me but it will with plenty of folk, because you can sing a long and pump your fist and do all those things at gigs that have been pretty thrilling and life affirming to anyone reading this for at least some period of their existence on this here lump, whether that moment has long since passed or you’re still right in the middle of it. So rendering this review redundant. Huzzah!