Labels: No Idea
Review by: Bob Alderdice
Yep, this is definitely a Duncan Redmonds record: hammond organ, check; saxaphone, check; cockney accent, check. It’s all there. In fact, I could have
probably written this review before I even heard this record because it sounds just like everything else that Redmonds has put his hand to in the past.
Now, that could easily be interpreted as a negative comment, but that would mean overlooking the fact that everything that Duncan Redmonds puts his hand
to tends to be blooming brilliant!
In this, BNM’s third full-length release, Redmonds is joined by Steve Pitcher (Vanilla Pod), Wes Wasley (Milloy) and Ed Wenn (The Stupids); this being
one of three different line-ups for the band (depending on whether Redmonds is in Uk, USA or Japan). Together, they belt out thirteen, consistent tracks with
Redmonds taking the opportunity to demonstrate the range of his song writing prowess, including writing one in Japanese.
It is this variation of song styles that make this an album which holds your attention throughout, the highlights for me being Heave Ho Britain! and Asbestos. Thankfully, the
organ and sax are used sparingly, meaning Redmonds can skilfully steer the record away from descending into a rom-tiddly-om-pom-pom-cockerneee-knees up.
It’s good stuff. Get it.